
Partners in Safety


在区域交通局,乘客的安全是头等大事. 我们的全系统安全计划包括与RTD运营相关的安全主题, our passengers, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. As a key member of the metro-area community, RTD一直致力于创造一个更安全的交通环境.

With trains and buses always on the move, 教育我们的乘客和公众冰球突破豪华版试玩的交通系统及其周围安全的重要性是很重要的. RTD launched the Partners in Safety program in 2010, which is a collaborative effort between RTD employees, 让乘客和市民提高安全意识,并采取行动促进巴士周围的环境更安全, trains, tracks and crossings.

Safety Tips

Safety Overview

Bike Safety

  • 始终佩戴合适的头盔,并牢牢扣紧帽带.
  • 与交通方向保持一致,并遵循交通标志和信号.
  • 不要在骑车时使用电子产品——它们会让人分心.
  • Watch for opening car doors and other hazards.
  • Wear bright-colored clothing.

Bus Safety

  • 站在与路边保持安全距离的地方,远离公共汽车,直到它停下来.
  • Never chase or hit a moving bus.
  • Hold on at all times as sudden stops may occur.
  • Remain seated while approaching your bus stop.
  • 不要大声说话或制造噪音,以免分散司机的注意力.

Pedestrian Safety

  • Eyes up, phone down. 从手机上抬起头来,集中注意力——不要分心!
  • 如果你晚上走在交通拥挤的地方,穿颜色鲜艳或反光的衣服.
  • 穿过繁忙的街道时,与司机进行眼神交流.
  • 在十字路口或人行横道过马路,而不是在路中间或停着的汽车之间过马路.

Train Safety

Train Ride Safety

  • Mind the gap. Watch your step while getting on and off the train.
  • Train doors close automatically; stand clear and listen for the warning chime.
  • 花时间查看每节车厢上张贴的紧急程序标志.
  • In the event of an emergency, 使用列车两端的紧急对讲机通知列车操作员.

Train Track Safety

  • 只在指定的十字路口过马路,并遵守交通规则.
  • Never walk or bike along the tracks; it is illegal and dangerous.
  • 过轨道前要看两边——火车随时可以从任何一个方向行驶.
  • 当你在火车周围或轨道附近时,请摘下耳机.

Platform Safety

  • Stay behind the yellow line at all times.
  • 千万不要坐在月台边缘,也不要触摸火车的外部.
  • 如果你的东西掉在轨道上,不要试图取回它.
  • Walk--do not run--on the platform. If you miss a train, wait for the next one.

Winter Weather Transit Safety

Riding the Bus

  • Take an earlier trip. Buses move only as quickly as traffic allows.
  • Stand back. Buses may slide on snow as they approach the curb.
  • 让驶近的公共汽车能看见你,尤其是在黑暗的冬天早晨.
  • Bus steps become slippery from snow. 上车前先把鞋上的雪踢掉. Use the handrails and take your time.
  • Dress warmly and put on an extra layer. 如果你没有穿好适合天气的衣服,即使在车站稍等一会也会很危险.
  • Remember, 你的司机正在尽他或她的最大努力确保你到达目的地,尽管路况恶劣.

Riding the Train

  • 尽管冬天的天气不应该减慢火车的旅行时间, consider taking an earlier trip to ensure timely arrival.
  • Be careful on the platform during winter weather. 慢慢走,远离月台边缘,直到火车完全停止.
  • Snowy floors can be slippery. 上车前把鞋上的雪踢掉.

Safety Quiz

Where is it safe to cross train tracks?

A. Wherever you can see 1/4 mile in each direction

B. Only at designated crossing locations

C. Anywhere you can't see "No Trespassing" signs

D. It is never safe to cross the tracks

Answer: B. 只有在指定的十字路口穿越铁轨才安全. Crossing anywhere else is unsafe and illegal. 始终遵循安全标志,并遵守警告装置,如闪烁的红灯和门臂.


A. 检查袋子,看看是否有电线、开关或电子设备伸出来

B. Yell loudly to warn others about the potential threat

C. Try locating the owner of the bag

D. 撤离该区域,并立即向RTD运输观察站报告行李

Answer: D. 如果你看到一个无人看管的包或物品,看起来不寻常或可疑, evacuate the area and notify authorities immediately. Do not attempt to examine or move the bag. 通过RTD的transit Watch应用程序与交通警察联系,该应用程序可在安卓和iOS上使用.


A. Slow down and proceed cautiously past the bus

B. 停止直到闪烁的红灯不再工作

C. 继续驾驶,并按喇叭警告过往行人

D. 向上看,这样你就可以尽快穿过这个区域

Answer: B. 你必须在到达一辆红灯闪烁的校车前至少停车20英尺,无论它是否在你的道路上, the opposite side of the road, or at an intersection. 你必须保持停车状态,直到闪烁的红灯不再闪烁. 在继续行驶前,要仔细观察校车附近的儿童和过马路的儿童.

What should you not do while riding a bus?

A. Remain seated while approaching your bus stop

B. Use handrails when boarding or exiting the bus

C. 当车辆行驶时,如果站立,请始终抓住

D. 把你的行李放在过道上,给乘客腾地方坐

Answer: D. 在过道上放置大件物品是一种安全隐患,会妨碍乘客在紧急情况下迅速撤离巴士. Able-bodied passengers traveling with large items, such as luggage, grocery caddies, 婴儿车必须坐在公共汽车轮椅安全区和优先座位区后面,把他们的物品放在远离过道的地方.


A. 穿过繁忙的街道时,与司机进行眼神交流

B. Look up from your phone and pay attention

C. 不要在马路中间或停着的汽车中间过马路

D. All of the above

Answer: D. It is important for pedestrians to stay alert, 注意周围环境,遵守交通标志和信号. 始终保持司机的可见性,并尽可能与他们进行眼神交流. 行人和司机都有责任保证自己和他人的道路安全.

RTD Safety Facts

  • More than 400 security team members to serve you.
  • More than 300 hours of specialized operator training to operate any vehicle.
  • Two dispatch centers 拥有911认证操作员,可随时为您提供紧急响应资源.
  • More than 12,000 cameras 在各警局阻止犯罪活动,并确保录像以协助调查.

RTD Rail Safety

RTD Rail Safety - Spanish