


RTD将确保使用行动辅助设备的个人, 包括轮椅在内的人都可以平等地进入公共汽车和安全区域. 本政策自2014年3月24日起生效.


An individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of that individual and any individual who identifies to a bus operator that the individual has a disability.

一个设备, 比如轮椅, 踏板车或助行车, 残疾人为方便移动而使用的, 不仅仅是为了方便.


One or both of the areas required on a fixed route bus for the purpose of securing a wheelchair.

助行器一种助行器,属于任何一类三轮或更多轮的装置, 在室内使用, 为行动不便的人设计或修改的, 手动操作还是电动操作.


All passengers with or without disabilities are to be treated with the highest degree of respect and concern for safety. Passengers using wheelchairs or other mobility aids may be particularly vulnerable if left stranded at a bus stop. 他们比其他乘客更不愿意等待下一辆公交车. 因此, if you are unable to accommodate a passenger using a wheelchair or other mobility aid for any reason, you are required to report the situation to the dispatcher and remain there until cleared to proceed.


文章, baggage or packages are not permitted on buses if they are dangerous or restrict free movement of passengers. 文章 permitted on the bus must not interfere with the vehicle operation or any other passenger. 购物车必须折叠或放置,以免堵塞公共汽车的过道. 乘客带上公共汽车的任何东西都必须便于移动.

当一个带着婴儿车的乘客上车时, 要求乘客在登机前将婴儿车折叠起来. Passengers will not be allowed to board with large strollers or other items that cannot be collapsed and/or stored in the seats behind the securement areas and priority seating.

You must advise the passenger upon boarding to use seats behind the securement areas and priority seating for themselves and their objects because if they do sit in the securement area, they will be required to move if needed by an Individual with a disability using a mobility aid.

不允许乘客把座位折起来,腾出空间放随身携带的物品, 除了助行器.


In order to ensure an Individual with a disability who uses a mobility aid will have access to the bus when the securement areas are occupied, RTD营办商将采取以下步骤:

  1. 不要假设或陈述巴士太拥挤以至于不能让带助行器的乘客上车.
  2. Get up and look first to see if other passengers are blocking the securement area or access to the securement area. 使用助行工具的残疾旅客必须能进入安全区域, 因为这是他们唯一可以坐的地方,因此他们有平等的机会乘坐公共汽车.
  3. 如果乘客正在使用安全区域, 从驾驶座上站起来, 接近那个占据安全区域的人,说, “我需要用这个区域让一位残疾乘客登机. 您需要坐到安全区域后面的座位上." This applies to any person regardless of what equipment or items the individual has brought on the bus, 行动辅助设备除外. Request that individuals with a disability not using a mobility aid or using a mobility aid that does not require securement to move from the securement area. 如有必要,主动帮忙找座位.
  4. When you are at a bus stop with both able-bodied passengers and passengers using mobility aids, 你们必须清理出安全区域,以便使用助行器登机的旅客. 不能让身体健全的乘客先登机, 没有为使用行动辅助设备的残疾人士提供足够的空间. You should attempt to board Individuals with a mobility aid prior to boarding others waiting at the bus stop to ensure access to the securement areas.
  5. 一旦有足够的空间让乘客登机, 启动升降机(如适用), 让乘客上车, 然后继续走这条路.
  6. 永远不要因为延误而责怪使用助行器的乘客, 不便或暗示乘客阻碍了公共汽车. 保持你的互动礼貌和尊重.
  7. 除非占用安全区域的人是残疾人士, 由于一些与残疾有关的原因,需要留在安全区域, the person who is unwilling to move is in violation of RTD policies and is preventing the individual with a disability who uses a mobility aid from accessing the only seats available. 你可能不会询问残疾,但对方可能会透露. If the person offers a disability-related reason for being in the securement area or the reason is apparent, 不要再追问了. 如果残疾人士不使用助行器, 让那个人挪到优先座位上去. If the person does not offer a disability-related reason for being in the securement area and the reason is not apparent, 见第6节.



  1. Inform the waiting passenger who uses a mobility aid that the individuals occupying the securement areas refuse to move.
  2. Inform passengers on the bus that the operator is required to contact the dispatcher to get further instruction because the individual in the securement area refuses to move. 除非调度员或主管允许,否则不要离开巴士站.
  3. 联系调度员. 在配备的公共汽车上,使用预先编程的无线电数据信息“ADA PAX PASS-UP”。. 这将使您的援助请求成为高优先级. 这意味着你的电话会在其他日常电话之前得到处理.
  4. 如果您无法使用ADA PAX PASS-UP消息, you must attempt to contact dispatch by other methods available and obtain instructions from a supervisor or dispatcher before leaving the stop.
  5. 调度员会向你提供有关如何安置乘客的信息. 如果可行的, RTD会派一名街道管理员或保安人员到巴士上与乘客交谈. 如果必要的, the street supervisor or security officer may issue a warning for suspension of service or take other appropriate action.
  6. You must relay whatever action will be taken to the waiting passenger with a disability as soon as possible. 调度中心将通知公交运营商选择其他交通方式, 如适用,根据下文第8条, 或者提供礼貌的接送.
  7. 您必须向等候的残疾乘客提供一份完整的ADA PAX PASS-UP表格. You must provide the information in writing and offer to read such information to the waiting passenger with a disability. 只有在遵循这些步骤之后,您才能继续.


If both the securement areas are occupied by 使用行动辅助设备的残疾人, 下列规定应适用:

  1. 操作员必须将这种情况通知等候的乘客.
  2. An operator may only inform the waiting passenger that the securement areas are full or occupied by 使用行动辅助设备的残疾人 if it is absolutely clear that the passengers occupying the securement areas are, 事实上, 使用行动辅助设备的残疾人, e.g.两位乘客都坐轮椅. If there is any doubt as to whether the persons occupying the securement areas are 使用行动辅助设备的残疾人, 操作人员必须按照第6节的所有步骤操作.
  3. The operator shall provide the waiting passenger with the ADA PAX PASS-UP form as required in Section 6, 应当为候车乘客提供礼遇换乘,并使用预编程数据电文, "ADA PAX PASS-UP"或, 如果该消息系统不可用, contact dispatch to notify RTD that an Individual with a disability who uses a mobility aid did not board the bus because the securement areas were occupied. 调度员将提供替代交通工具的说明.


When an individual with a disability using a mobility aid is refused service because RTD informs the waiting passenger the securement areas are occupied and the next bus is not scheduled to arrive for 30 minutes or more, RTD will provide the rider with alternative transportation to ensure the passenger reaches the intended destination in a timely fashion.
