60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act Bus Design Contest

区域交通运输区(RTD)致力于多样性, equity, inclusion, and belonging in all aspects of our agency and operations. The RTD Civil Rights Division 确保机构维护员工和客户的公民权利. 跨部门工作,并与不同的社区合作伙伴, together we proactively pursue fairness, inclusion, 以及在就业和小企业发展方面的平等机会,同时努力为历史上代表性不足的社区提供平等的公共交通服务和项目.

In collaboration with Denver NAACP, ACLU Colorado, One Colorado, Colorado Asian Pacific United, Servicios de La Raza, Atlantis Community, Inc., and other valuable community partners, RTD将于2024年夏天庆祝《mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站》颁布60周年. Event details coming soon.

Submit Your Best Bus Design

Submissions are closed.

RTD正在寻求一个巴士包裹设计的建议,以突出过去, present, 以及科罗拉多州和全国民权和社会正义运动的未来遗产. 重点应放在1964年《冰球突破豪华版试玩》颁布60周年以及在实现正义方面取得的显著和历史性成就上, fairness, equity and equal opportunity for all. 公交包裹设计应将不同社区的交叉性交织在一起, 生活经历和个人身份,培养我们对社会和文化的异同的欣赏和庆祝. Inspiration may be drawn from RTD’s Civil Rights Mixtape 由革命的温暖饼干和激进同理心社区组织赞助.

If you are an artist with a vision, idea, or work that you believe would be ideal for this project, we would love to hear from you. Read on for application details.

Artist Application

Submissions are closed.

在5月24日前完成《mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站》, 2024.

Selected design will be compensated at a flat rate of $3,500.

Submission details, including art specifications:

  • Narrative of the bus wrap design (300 words max) including:
    • How the design connects to the project
    • What you hope to evoke with the imagery
    • How you hope the design will engage the public

Using the design templates provided below, complete the design as follows:

  • 渲染显示SS全侧,CS全侧和BK全后的总线包装.
    • 提供矢量美术或高分辨率(300dpi或更高)文件,以扩展到全尺寸设计. 请注意,模板不是全尺寸的,但要按比例缩放,以便放置在模板上的任何艺术都能准确地调整大小,以适当地覆盖总线
    • 设计必须覆盖模板中指定的整个区域 light green block, but up to 50% window coverage is allowed per side of the bus
      • 收入(在役)车辆的任何一侧的窗户都不能超过50%, so long as no more than this percentage is covered in total; for example: this rule could be applied as 50% across all 6 windows, or 100% on 3 windows, etc.
      • Not knowing what bus will be wrapped, RTD假设总线可能用于收入服务,并且需要适应50%规则
    • No coverage on doors and driver windows
      • 驾驶员侧和街道侧的前窗和主前门需要留下清晰的设计
    • 模板本身不应该出现在最终的美术打印文件中,但可以用来在模型文件中演示预期的设计
  • Resume
  • Imagery of any relevant previous work or portfolio


Individuals living in RTD’s service district (including Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Jefferson, Western Adams, Western Arapahoe, Northern Douglas and Weld counties) are eligible to apply, including but not limited to visual artists, graphic designers and illustrators. 居住在丹佛市区以外的人可以要求例外.

Design Goals

CELEBRATE the history of Civil Rights Act of 1964, 除了其他无数的联邦和州法律保护我们的公民, political, and legal rights.

RECOGNIZE the myriad of individuals, 在科罗拉多州和全国范围内倡导公平的团体或重大活动, equality, and accessibility.



Selection Criteria

A panel comprised of a diverse group of RTD employees, including representatives from the Civil Rights, 营销和传播部门以及社区合作伙伴将对参赛作品进行评估,并选择艺术家设计民权法案60周年庆祝巴士. 评审小组将根据以下条件对参赛作品进行评审:

Does the artwork achieve the design goals? Does the design tell a story or message? Is the design eye catching? Is the overall composition of the design balanced and unified? 如果包括,标语是简短和难忘的,是文字易读? Does the design meet the required technical specifications?40%
Overall, is there a clear, 与主题的明显联系,以及如何在艺术品中有意义地反映出来? Does the bus wrap design narrative answer these three questions: 1) How the design connects to the project; 2) What you hope to evoke with the imagery; and 3) How you hope the design will engage the public35%
Aesthetic integrity of submitted past work; large format experience is preferred 15%
Demonstrated ability to complete the work on time and on budget10%

Additional Considerations

  • 艺术作品设计,以展示公民权利和社会正义运动的遗产和/或不同社区的交叉性的活力的描述或解释, lived experiences and personal identities.
  • Artists will retain all rights of their artwork. 一旦总线设计已选定,最终的艺术品已转移到数字格式的规格概述, RTD将补偿所选艺术作品的艺术家一次性支付3美元,500. 艺术家将授予RTD在车辆上无限制使用艺术作品的专有权, as well as any other usage RTD may see fit to promote this program, RTD, or its services in perpetuity. 根据《冰球突破豪华版试玩》,被选中的艺术家将保留其作品的所有权利, 并且可以在他/她/他们的网站上使用艺术作品进行宣传, social media and through other channels. 被选中的艺术家不得将此作品转售或再许可给任何其他实体,因为RTD正在购买无时间限制的独家使用权.

Timeline and Decision Process

评审小组将于5月25日至6月2日对艺术家申请和巴士包装设计图像进行审查,最终入围者将于6月3日收到通知. 如有必要,将在6月3日至6月14日期间与入围者进行额外沟通. 选定的艺术家将于6月14日公布,巴士包装将于2024年夏天公布.
